How to Install Nessus on Ubuntu 20.04

Installation Instructions for Ubuntu 20.04

Head on over to Download Nessus | Tenable® Click to Download Nessus-8.12.1-ubuntu1110_amd64.deb nessus-downloadOpen a terminal and navigate to where the .deb file was downloaded to. Run the command:

sudo dpkg -i Nessus-8.12.1-ubuntu1110_amd64.deb

dpkg-nessus-install If you have ufw (uncomplicated firewall) running enter:

sudo ufw allow 8834

Next we will enable and start the nessus daemon

#Use these two commands to enable then start Nessus
sudo systemctl enable nessusd
sudo systemctl start nessusd

In your web browser navigate to https://vulnscan:8834/

Choose Advanced -> Accept the Risk and Continue

Choose Nessus Essentials

Enter your First / Last Name, and email to receive and activation code

Copy and Paste the Code from your email into the Activation code spot and choose continue

Next Create a user account and then continue

Nessus will begin to Download and install necessary files

For extra information check:

updated_at 03-12-2020